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Why Does My Gimbal or Drive Growl?

Funny sounds coming from the transom or sterndrive is not a good thing.
Immediate attention must be given before more damage occurs.
It will NOT fix itself.

If your sound is a "growl" which gets louder as you turn from one side to the other, chances are good you have a failing gimbal bearing.

Gimbal Bearings fail for a reason.
Usually the reason a bearing fails is because of water intrusion.
The bearing needs to be kept' greased and away from moisture.
The Ujoint Bellows keeps water away from the gimbal bearing.
If the Ujoint Bellows leaks, water will ruin the gimbal bearing.

So.... if you are hearing your gimbal bearing growl, it is an indication of other problems.
Simply pumping grease into the zirt fitting on the stb. side of the gimbal will not fix the problem.
Usually the water that has leaked into the bellows is destroying not only the gimbal bearing but the ujoints and sterndrive as well.

This is why immediate action must be taken.
Failure to remove the drive and address the problem could lead to thousands of dollars worth of more damage.

Even if you don't use the boat.... more damage will occur from sitting.
Rust and corrosion will set in and ruin the gimbal, bell housing and drive.

Read More about your Gimbal Bearing at:
Gimbal Bearings
Alpha One Bellows and Gimbal Bearing
Alpha One Gen II Bellows and Gimbal Bearing
Bravo Bellows and Gimbal Bearing
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