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Mercury Marine Propellers

The more information you can give us the better.

Try to be as complete and specific as possible.
Always include your engine and/or sterndrive serial number whenever possible.
We answer most requests withing an hour or less during normal business hours.
Otherwise, we will respond first thing the next morning.

Consider such items as:
Engine Year
Engine Serial number
Engine Size, model and number of cylinders
Drive model
Drive serial number
Stainless or Aluminum?
Prop History
How is the boat is used?
Is your tach accurate?

What is boat manufacturer?:
What is boats length?:
What is your boats weight?:
Single or twin engines?:
What year is your engine?:
What model engine do you have? (Inboard, Alpha, Pre-Alpha, Bravo):
What model drive do you have?:
What is your drive ratio?:
What is your Engine Model Number?:
What is your Engine Serial Number?:
What is your old prop part number?:
What is your old props pitch?:
What is your old props material?:
What is your old props condition?:
What is your Engines wide open throttle (WOT) RPM's??:
What is your Engines rated WOT RPM?:
Is your tachometer accurate?:
Is your engine tuned and running strong?:
What is your Sterndrive Serial Number?:

Give us a description of how you use your vessel:

How do you feel your boat performs now?:
Your Name:
Your Phone:
Your Zip Code:
Your Email:

Submit your answers and questions to: Sterndrive-Information

Mercruiser Sterndrive Parts.
Pre-Alpha, R, MR and MC1 Parts
Alpha One Parts
Seal Kits
Alpha One Gimbal (Transom) Parts and Kits
Alpha Gen II Parts
Alpha Gen II Gimbal (Transom) Parts and Kits
Bravo One Parts
Bravo Two Parts
Bravo Three Parts
Bravo Gimbal (Transom) Parts and Kits
TR and TRS Parts
Transom Seal Kits
Gimbal Bearings
Shift Cable Kits
Gear Kits
Shift Interuptor Switch Kits
Anodes and Zinc Kits
Water Pump Kits
Power Trim Pump Kits and Trim System Parts
Decal Sets
Sterndrive Special Tools
Mercruiser shop Manuals
Remote Controls
Trim Sender Switches
Trim Cylinder Assemblies
Mercruiser Engine Parts
Filters and Filter Kits
Tuneup Kits
Carburetor Rebuild Kits
Raw Water Pump Kits
Circulation Water Pumps
Spark Plugs
Spark Plug Wire Kits
Gasket Sets
Exhaust Manifolds
Exhaust Elbows
Exhaust Riser Kits
Exhaust Water Shutter Kits
Ignition Modules and Ignition Coils
Cooling System Parts
Starter Motors
Alternators and Charging Systems
Belts and Belt-Pulley Kits
Drive Couplers
Fuel Pumps (Mechanical and Electric)
Wire Harnesses
Gauges and Instruments
Partial Engine Assemblies
Grease, Lubricants and Adhesives

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